Slipway at Virkie

Raining first thing, soon cleared into a sunny day.  A heavy shower at teatime, dried up and sun came back out.  Fairly calm all day. 

Up early, a morning around the house before setting off to work in the airport.  A ten to ten late shift.  I've mostly been meeting and boarding flights.  Last Edinburgh was delayed.  Walkies with Sammy, then feet up. I felt good most of the day, but brain fog struck coming to the end of my shift.  I've also noticed I'm loosing my taste and smell senses today, thought that would have happened when I had the fever last week.  Hope it doesn't last long, only strong smells making it through, and taste seems to be coming from the memory.  

It was good to get out at lunchtime, fresh air and sunshine.  It would have been a great day any normal September, but after last week's glorious weather, it felt a tad nippy today.  No need to complain, every day like this, is one day less of winter, which might strike any momemt now.  Taken at the old slipway, Pool of Virkie, Dunrossness.  

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