horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


A weekend back in the home of my formative years. I grew up in Ellon, just 15 miles or so north of Aberdeen, having moved there when I was 4 from around Newcastle; and went to uni in Aberdeen, cos I couldn't afford to move out.

So with the Scottish Wildlife Trust's AGM taking place in the city's Maritime Museum (I'm a trustee on the council of the charity) it was a good excuse for a bit of nostalgia. And all the easier given I could stay with my mum for a couple of nights.

The nostalgia really hit later. The morning wander before the meeting was to places that have changed (for the better) since I lived and studied here before leaving 23 years ago. Outside Marischal College especially is really reminiscent of a European plaza (helped by the sun and warm weather of course).

However later was a walk from the Bridge of Don, across the river from a pub, that's now a Chinese restaurant, that used to be a regular quiz night haunt; following the river up and round the side of the Hillhead halls of residence, popping out at Seaton Park (where I could indulge in an ice cream).

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