horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

The comparison shot

Getting silver linings...

Lovely morning heading into Aberdeen with my mum, to meet my brother and his girlfriend, for a fab brunch, before moving on to a little coffee and macaron place that Mel had requested (demanded?) I take macarons home from. And while there I checked my train on the ticket app, and found it was cancelled. 

They couldn't transfer me onto the 15 minutes earlier train, I think because it would have had me changing at Dundee, or simply because it was earlier. Instead I'd be on the train an hour later, without my guaranteed seat reservation. Sigh.

So instead, my mum, brother and his girlfriend decided it was a nice day to have a run down to our place (in fairness my brother had spent the whole of the previous day in his loft fixing up lights in their flat, so I think he just wanted to see daylight). I could drive us down, and my brother could drive them back up, and in between we had a lovely lunch out in the sun at our place.

So it actually turned into a really nice day. Even if in the background I know I'll be having a fight with Scotrail to get back the £10 admin fee they've charged for refunding my unused-because-the-train-was-cancelled ticket.

Oh, and with my bri=other here it meant I could recreate a photo with the pigs, 4 and a half months after he visited to meet the then-small porkers (which is in the extras).

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