How a butterfly sees the garden!

I was trying to get a good shot of this butterfly, showing the patterns on the wings, (See extra). Here it has just taken off, launching out towards the white flowers. I chose this one for the main blip because the perspectives managed to turn our flowerbed (which is fairly wild) into the rain forests of Borneo!  Maybe this is how the butterfly sees things.
It's a red admiral, Vanessa atalanta, and there were several around today.
As well as chasing butterflies I also did some fairly savage pruning of the red currant bush and black currant bushes, and weeded the ground under and around the bushes fairly drastically.  Finally I cut the grass around the bushes and piled the grass cuttings under the bushes, as both a mulch and fertiliser.
The cold is getting better as I'd not have had the energy to do this for the last week. On the other hand I was dripping with sweat  and exhausted after this relatively small effort, so I guess I still haven't returned to 100% health.

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