Keith B

By keibr

Summer? Autumn?

According to the Swedish Meteorological Institute a few mountainous areas on the border with Norway have moved into autumn but in most of the country it is still summer.
However, these falling leaves tell another story. We ate breakfast outside this morning and I left my bowl on the table while I picked a few blackberries. When I got back a large brown birch leaf had landed right in the middle of my yoghurt! If I sweep the deck clear of leaves and return an hour later there is a fresh crop.
We had a visit from Lasse and Annika today and sat outside enjoying some saffron buns with coffee. We got to see their new hammock, and even to try it out. Very nicely made, comfortable and light. From a company called "Ticket to the moon", based in Bali. I already have a hammock, two actually, otherwise I'd have been tempted.
I like today's blip as much for the reflections as for the leaves. The red colour is rather nice too - the only colour for us when it comes to cars.

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