By lizzie_birkett

Don’t report me to RSPCA!

It was time to wash smelly Bella in the shower and her stinky toys in the washing machine. The building work doesn’t help as she insists on lying on the dusty ground outside and takes her toys with her. When she realised I was coming for her she went to the furthest corner of the garden and rolled herself up in the soil trying to hide. The water was dark brown when she was in the shower. Afterwards she got a Whimzee doggie chew for being good.
My GP phoned me today to let me know that all the test results they’ve done up to now were negative to infections, however she is referring me to Rheumatology as they can do more indepth tests to see what has been causing the temperatures. I told her I hadn’t had a raised temp this week and she said that’s good but she thinks we should make sure every avenue has been explored. I agree.
She also asked me about my knee so I told her it had been swollen again and I was waiting for a letter from the orthopaedic consultant. She said that she had the letter on her computer and told me what Mr Hopton had written. Apparently it is a different condition to what he had originally thought, they think it is a Synovial Haemangioma - another very rare condition! So he has referred me to a vascular surgeon. I don’t know what the treatment is for it. 


We were going to go to the pub for a pint - we were hoping it would be open as it has been closed for the past week but no it was closed.
The couple who run the the pub have split up and she has gone to a pub in the next village, apparently with the new landlord there.
It’s so sad and I hope our local can survive. Apparently Gary the owner os waiting for a document to arrive to say he can carry on being the landlord.
They have two young children who always brought smiles to the customers.

Tomorrow we have a wee choir performance at the Village Hall and straight after that we are heading up to Airdrie to babysit as Sabrina has her opening day at the clinic.

We’re going to watch the final episode of Dr Foster now.
Goodnight ;-) X

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