By lizzie_birkett

The Yoof of Today!

Amelia had her friend Mia round after they had been shopping at The Forte,
yes, they are now allowed to go shopping by themselves! However, mum was there separately, just in case!
They spent their money wisely on a top each.
It’s so strange to see Amelia going out on her own now. Photo’s and video’s keep coming up on my iPad from when she was a baby and a toddler.

This morning, (after that sweet photo of Lucy in bed last night) all hell was let loose because Lucy couldn’t decide which top to wear for her ice skating lesson. Nothing was right and she had a total meltdown upsetting everyone. Eventually - after being threatened with staying at home she put a top on and got in the car. 
When they came home she was right as rain and asked me if I would show her how to knit. Well, that was a palaver if ever there was one!  Now, I must tell you that I am left handed but only for writing and drawing, everything else I do - like using scissors, peeling veg, knitting and hand sewing, I do right handed. I knew that Lucy was left handed but never thought that she would be different to me. So I started to show her how to knit but when she took the needles she turned them the opposite way round. I couldn’t work out how to do it, you’d think it would be a simple case of turning it round, which it probably is but my weird brain wouldn’t compute. After many tries I told Lucy to go and do something else and I got a YouTube video up. I spent ages following the tutorial and trying to do it the ‘wrong way’, Eventually I managed a row and then another and another!
After that I could show Lucy how to knit and now she’s got it!

Then Lucy said she wanted to bake cup cakes - (fairy cakes in the UK - I insist on calling them fairy cakes as they were always called!)
She had a recipe in a children’s book for rainbow ones with icing and sprinkles. An hour and a half later there was a big plate of gaudy fairy cakes! The colouring was all natural I must add.
See extra.

Melanie has spent the afternoon with us and we sat outside for a while.
After a very foggy start to the day it turned lovely and sunny.

The other extra is SiL Johnnie half way in the attic and in the kitchen showing me the ‘control room’ of their new house. He has fitted out under the stairs so there is storage for household and cleaning stuff and also sockets and chargers for things. He’s a clever fella. Tomorrow he goes down to Derby for the last bit of filming for a part of Outlander where he’ll be building the sets. He’ll be away for two weeks as he has been for the last few weeks, only home at weekends.

Well, that’s been my busy day, hope you’ve had a good one.
Goodnight Blippers ;-)X

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