The Gill

A hot day forecast so a shady walk was planned. 
We drove up to Ulverston and had a walk up the Gill. We took our time and let Fletch potter along at his own speed. 
We went as far as the field which was partially shaded and Fletch had a drink from the stream. The water seemed clean enough.. I hope. I remember my dad  saying to check 100 yards up stream when we were out walking the fells  and if there wasnt a dead sheep in it the water was ok! Nowadays of course theres more ways tompollute the water. 

When we reached the gate I saw this ladybird.
 It was scurrying round and round the top of the  post. I only had my phone and it was hard to get anything other than a blur. There was a ladybird nymph on the post ( larger than the actual ladybird.) It's possible the ladybird was trying to guard it . 

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