Seeking shade.

The heat wave has hit us. 26 degrees! 

We parked at the amphitheatre by the Abbey and strolled up into Abbots wood.  Its shady, and so a pleasant walk. 

We normally turn back at the clearing where the big house used to be but carried on farther as there was someone on a large mower cutting the grass. We followed the path to the open fields and saw that the path went down the slope and looped back through the woods.

 It was very warm and close we decided against having to follow that path as it is  up and down steep paths  but is in our list for a cool Autumn day. 

Back home and we noted quite a few spiders webs in the garden. One spider had caught a ladybird and wrapped it  to eat later.  It sat  guard over it so I got the macro lens and managed a few shots. Hard to get in focus as I didnt get out the tripod as it would have been difficult to set up in amongst the bushes. I managed a couple that were passable
In deference to Flavia13 's dislike of spiders I've just put the photo in the extras ( so Flavia 13 you can avert your eyes!)

So, the main blip is of Fletch running along the path in Abbots wood. A bit blurry as he was moving quickly and I had the wrong setting but he was enjoying himself.

Thank you everyone who has read my posts and given me stars and commented. I really do appreciate it.

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