
By Cumbrialass


A restless night. The bed wasn't very comfy and I seemed to be more awake than asleep.  
Fletch was awake at 7:45 and ready for a walk. So I was up and out early. A lovely sunny morning but it was cold abd windy. I'm glad I packed my thick jacket.  

After a leisurely breakfast we were all set to leave at 10:30 when my sis in law discovered her all electric car was dead. No lights no power. Nothing ! Eventually the AA was called and he got it going. 
M and I drove to Austwick for a walk and to stop at the Gamecock to buy some of their delicious French pastries..but they were closed till the 11th. A shame
But we got a walk and then called at  Cafe Ambio on the way back. 
A busy 2 days and after a restless night I feel worn out

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