
We didn’t dive off straight away from Fairhope - a shop had been spotted the night before which demanded a visit. Realising it was a surprisingly large shop when we arrived after it opened, and may therefore require a considerable amount of time to thoroughly comb through, I wisely took myself off over the road to the Town Museum. I only spent $4.
Out of town we sped with our booty till we got to Nokomis. There I turned off the main road for a mile and arrived at Antioch Church. Florida! Its NW extremity. The SK had been there (the Keys or Miami or somewhere) in a previous life, and had several times uttered, when I was in Florida. Well now I can say, when we were in Florida, too. Ha.
So to Montgomery after miles of driving through endless woods. The downtown has a big urban feel to it - we walked down to the river taking in a few sights before getting flaked out by the heat. Maybe that’s why the sidewalks are deserted. Maybe.
Later, pizzas beside the Common Bonds Brewery. They’re small pizzas. Monstrously huge. The SK whipped out her iPhone and measured mine (yes, yes) - 41cm across! As Ms Fleck says, the country is nuts. Love it.

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