If we like we stay for maybe quite a while
This was the one and only photo I took today.
I'm still a bit washed out, but slightly better.
I sat for a considerable while this morning, learning my german. (I don't think I'm actually getting any better at it) and watching TV After a very late brunch we headed up to the allotment to water the tomatoes and dig up some potatoes. and drop off the manure we bought yesterday.
I sat and watched as Himself went back and forward to the car with the Manure... and i felt bad. so I got the Fork, and I made a feeble attempt to dig up the potatoes. I'm glad i did, it was highly amusing. They were pink firs, and there was an amazing array of shapes and sizes.
I gave up with the fork, though - i was too scared of breaking them, so I acted like Indian Jones, and dusted off the sand and uncovered each one like an archaologist.
Then I thought i might just weed the space around it, so I did. Don't think that Himself wasn't doing anything while I did it. He was feeding the tomatoes, he was filling up the compost bin, and he was trimming leaves from the many, many pumpkins and squashes we have. It's starting to look like a Halloween Theme Park in my plot.
We dropped stuff off at the Recycling centre and wondered at the stupidity of Hoomans. Si had to stop two different people putting cardboard, and polystyrene in the gardening skip. It's marked all over it, what is WRONG with them.
Then we came home and I sat in the garden and wondered if I could walk up the stairs for a shower. I sat for maybe an hour wondering that, and eventually realised I could.
And since then, I have been lazy.
Sitting here.
Doing Nothing.
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