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A moment of calm and beauty
I had a bad night last night. Up and down at the toilet…
So tired and sore this morning with no energy to
Do anything .
I was determined to get up and move despite feeling a bit crappy so I did .
Sainsbury for a quick pick up. Then the allotment for a little sunshine while Himself watered the tomatoes.
Then Morrison for the shop which I survived by hanging onto the trolly
Then we sat in the garden for a little while and then drove to the garden centre to collect manure which himself desperately wanted. I had a coffee and bought two dead plants.
There was some major hooooha at the check out two people serving with problems. Queue building Wildly behind them .
A wee old man said to Himself; would you mind if we went ahead of you; I don’t think my wife could stand on the queue she was hanging on to a zimmer frame
Of course. He said .
After another five - ten minute wait. The wee man said ‘I’m going to leave my bag in the queue okay! I need to take her to the car to sit down’. himself nodded
Then Himself turned to me and said ‘I think you should go and sit in the car’.
And I looked at the wee lady being guided out the
Centre and looked at Himself and said ‘no. I’m away to find a supervisor’
Weirdly in a shop that size. I found one other assistant who was helping someone. By the time I had wandered back. Himself was through the checkout and we wandered out.
I waved to the wee old lady in the car and told
Her it was still chaos in side
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