Hello Lovely Blippers,

We crept upstairs last night when Mrs. HCB was going to bed to see what she and Mr. HCB had done to make a higher tent - you can see in extras what it looked like - we thought it looked like a coffin underneath the quilt, but JH Ted said that wasn’t a very nice thing to say.  Donald thought he would go right in and hold up the tent - which would have made Admirer laugh so here we all are, loitering within tent!.  

This morning we decided to go upstairs again and have a look at the tent in daylight and this is all of us on top and inside it.  Although the makeshift tent did keep the sheets and quilt off her legs, we could hear her pacing the floor for a long time and she was obviously in a lot of pain.   We just hope that she sleeps more tonight - we heard her saying to Mr. HCB that according to her Apple Watch, she only slept for 2 hours and 51 minutes, which is silly, but not “laughable” silly but “Oh dear” silly!

However, tonight is another night and we wonder if we will stay near to Mrs. HCB and then if she can’t sleep, we can cheer her up.  We know that dear Admirer would be sorry to hear all this, but we hope that she would giggle to see us trying out the tent!

Mr. & Mrs HCB had a lovely time with their neighbours, Mike and Lynn, last night - and she really pulled out all the stops and made them a wonderful meal - they said they haven’t eaten like that for ages - well, between you, us the gatepost, as they say, Mr. HCB isn’t exactly a dab hand at cooking!  You can see the lovely meal and the dessert, a wonderful fresh fruit salad in the extras.

Hope you all have a good week - and remember BE KIND because you never know what anyone else is going through.

With love to you all, 
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx 

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