I wanted to go out into the garden and had intended taking photographs of our roses, but was amazed with the number of bees on the dahlias that Mr. HCB has grown from seed.  We both remembered that Monty Don, on Gardeners’ World, had said that the single type of flowers were much better for bees, as they could get in to collect the pollen easier.

I watched this little bee for sometime and it just kept going and going and even though it was upside down for most of the time, it never fell off, which intrigued me, and it never gave up. 

So the lesson for me was, even if your world seems upside down at the moment, don’t give up, keep going and all will be well, eventually.

Another difficult night when I saw every hour from 11 until 2 a.m. I tried listening to a podcast, which didn’t work, then listening to some soothing music, which didn’t work either, but I must have dropped off at around 3 a.m. because I remember looking at my watch at 2.40.  However, I was awake again by just after 4.30.  The “tent” did work, but needs to be higher but then there would be the problem of getting out and getting my legs over that when I need to go to the bathroom - the mind boggles! ;-) 

We have been invited over to our lovely neighbours, Lynn and Mike, for a roast dinner this evening - so kind of them.  We haven’t had a proper roast dinner for a while, so looking forward to it, so TIA to them both.  

Thank you all once again for your kind comments, stars and hearts - and I apologise again for not commenting or responding - the medication I am on makes me very sleepy and I just have to “go with the flow”.  Just hope I don’t drop off during dinner!  Bless you all!  M xx 

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