Rainy August Days

Dry first thing, but heavy rain soon came in, along with gales.  Dried up this evening, calmer and glimpses of sunshine and blue skies. 

A fine long lie, much needed.  By the time I got out walkies with Sammy, we got caught in the rain.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Nipped into Lerwick for some bits and bobs, and bumped into mam and had lunch.  An afternoon tidying around the house.  More walkies with Sammy this evening.  Might try a pint later. 

What a horrible wet afternoon, and not seen a right gale in ages now, think we missed a few while we were away.  This surely isn't the end of summer yet, I'm not ready for winter.  The rain was needed for the ground, it was fairly dry but we didn't need a gale to finish off the summer flowers.  Hopefully my garden will have survived, I'll check in the morning.  Looking out from Madeline's onto Craigopark Road, from Berry Road, Scalloway.  

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