Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A white cyclamen.

The Feast Day of St. Helena.
This morning there was a barrier of low clouds and now we have rain. It is welcome and so too the pleasant cool weather. Yesterday was hot. In the evening at about 9:15pm,mwe watch out for bats. They are interesting yet not a creature that fascinates me as much as cats, garden birds or swans.
I have done our washing, and I have been sorting out and polishing a four shelf bookshelf.
We still have a wealth of various books we hope to keep. Some are in boxes in the garage and some will be displayed on the shelving, while some books will be stored in the attic. There are important book choices to make.
I sent off to Amazon for some hand held weeding tools made from stainless steel. We have in this garden, really good weed control inherited from the previous home owners. There is a patio area with membrane and pebbles. A few weeds do get through, especially after rain, but I am not being lazy about these small weeds, which are not wild flowers. The tools are due tomorrow. Nothing too heavy but hopefully suitable for small scale weeding.

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