Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Peace Lily.

The Peace Lily has a good place in our new house.
After it became too hot in the conservatory, I re housed it in the front hallway.
I need to check on the plant's hydration daily.
If it gets not sufficient water, the ends of the leaves show signs of plant stress, by going pale brown.
Peace Lily likes misting.
I am really grateful there is a white flower scrolled within the plant leaves.
Most neighbourhood cats are indoors. It is gusty and very swirly wind has buffeted the material of our greenhouses. Paul tied them together and we are keeping an eye on them in this concerning pattern of fast changing weather. No damage in our small garden thankfully, but the light metal obelisk got moved by the gusting.
I have written a thank you letter to my dear sister and posted it. Mail in the South East has need of prayer. It seems the second class stamps, expensive enough already, are not delivering within the hoped for timescale.
I have been on a walk to the Co op.
I went on foot again to our old house to collect any mail there might have been sent there.. There were a few leaflets from companies advertising products and services.
There are some interesting films on television and I could well watch them.
I hope you enjoy today.
Thank you for dropping by, blip friends. Take care.

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