The Big Feastival

We drove daughter#2 and C to Kingham station this morning to catch their train down to London. It looked pretty packed so I hope they got their reserved seats OK. They then have to get a train to Glasgow for a wedding tomorrow. They are meeting up with another friend from Munich in London and travelling to Glasgow together, otherwise it would have made more sense to take a more direct train, avoiding London. When we got home daughter#2's October wedding invitation, from us to us, had arrived. I must start working on my speech soon.

My blip is a poster at the station, advertising the Big Feastival next weekend. I've only heard of Rick Astley and Melanie C. Daughter#1 did say they might be think of going if Rory comes to stay with us next week. He is still convalescing after his hospital stay though, so I'm not sure if their plans might be changing.

On the subject of convalescing, the extra is entitled 'about bl***y time'. 15 days of positive tests. Sorry to have been banging on about Covid for the last couple of weeks. It's so I can look back in my journal in a year's time and remember fondly what went on.

We had a nice meal by the way yesterday evening. I had a couple of hours deep sleep before we went out, so managed to get through OK. I was even alert enough to query the bill. It was steak night, steak frites and a large glass of wine for £20. I had a burger but the other three went for the steak, but only two wanted the wine. When the bill came it turned out that the steak was more expensive if you didn't have the wine!? Luckily we had asked for the extra 'free' wine anyway (daughter#2 did a good job of drinking it all) , so when we pointed this out the bill was reduced. I couldn't however remember the PIN for my credit card and had to look it up on my phone.

One year ago:
Friends On A Bridge
We drove through Bourton on our way to the station. It always looks nicer first thing when it is still quiet.

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