I've blipped this eye test chart before.

Mrsfb had a follow up appointment at Moreton hospital this morning to see if the laser treatment she had last month had helped with her glaucoma. We do like Moreton. Free parking and we were able to park just opposite the front door, which was good as we had torrential rain.

She had an eye test first, and, as before, as she read down the list she moved surreptitiously closer to the chart to make the letters clearer. I felt it was my duty to point this out to the nurse, but it only confused her and she had to start the test again.

The doctor then couldn't get the eye examination and pressure test equipment to work, and she had to call the consultant (aka 'the prof') in to sort it out, which he did. The results seemed a bit inconclusive. We saw the consultant again after the tests. The pressures are not excessively high, but not reduced by as much as he had hoped. We have to go back again in a few months for another test, and at that point we may have to consider some surgery.

As we discussed things on the way home we realised that we both had thought 'prof' wasn't as friendly today, with his NHS hat on, as he had been when we saw him privately. He also seemed a bit more stressed, older, disheveled and slightly grumpy too. We are so pleased we are seeing him though, as he is recognised as one of the the best in his field.

We both felt exhausted in the afternoon, and had a couple of hours sleep.

One year ago:
Minimalist Fan

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