Taith cerdded i lawr i'r pentref

Taith cerdded i lawr i'r pentref ~ A walk down to the village

“Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.”
― Anthony Bourdain

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Penderfynon ni i fynd i lawr i Bont Tyweli i gael cinio heddiw. Aeth rhai o'r bobol mewn car ond penderfynon Nor'dzin a fi i gerdded. Dych chi'n gallu cerdded i lawr y llwybrau trwy'r coed o Drala Jong i'r ffordd fach ar waelod y bryn ac yna i Bont Tyweli.

Aethon ni i'r 'Half Moon Inn'. Doedd neb ohonon ni wedi bod yna o'r blaen a doeddwn ni ddim yn gwybod beth i ddisgwyl. Mae'r dafarn a'i bwyty yn lle bach, mae'n edrych yn 'basig' ond roedd y staff (a pherchennog) yn gyfeillgar iawn. Roedd y bwyd yn ddatguddiad. Roedd popeth wedi'i goginio ar y ar y safle, ac roedd e'n ddanteithiol. Ces i'r gamwn am y prif gwrs a chrymbl afal cartref ar gyfer pwdin.

Siaradon ni i'r perchennog ar ôl y pryd. Mae'r unig broblem gyda'r ardal yn does dim busnesau arall gerllaw. Mae Pont Tyweli yn agos at Landysul sydd yn cael llawer o siopau, tafarnau ayyb. Mae'r 'Half Moon Inn' yn ar ei ben ei hun. Maen nhw'n parhau beth bynnag ac rydyn ni eu dymuno bob llwyddiant.

Cerddodd Nor'dzin a fi yn ôl i Drala Jong yn mwynhau'r golygfeydd hyfryd ar y ffordd.

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We decided to go down to Bont Tyweli to have lunch today. Some of the people went by car but Nor'dzin and I decided to walk. You can walk down the paths through the trees from Drala Jong to the small road at the bottom of the hill and then to Bont Tyweli.

We went to the 'Half Moon Inn'. None of us had been there before and we didn't know what to expect. The pub and its restaurant is a small place, it looks 'basic' but the staff (and owner) were very friendly. The food was a revelation. Everything was cooked in the place, and it was delicious. I had the gammon for the main course and a homemade apple crumble for dessert.

We spoke to the owner after the meal. The only problem with the area is there are no other businesses nearby. Pont Tyweli is close to Llandysul which has many shops, pubs etc. The 'Half Moon Inn' is on its own. They carry on however and we wish them every success.

Nor'dzin and I walked back to Drala Jong enjoying the beautiful scenery on the way.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Grwp o bobol y tu allan y 'Half Moon Inn', Pont Tyweli
Description (English): A group of people outside the 'Half Moon Inn', Pont Tyweli

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