
By H22

Place: Greenville, SC 66/91
Main activity: Tues - Pain Mgmt Appt
Notes: Woke ~7a for THE BIG DAY. Ran to Aldi in the morning as we waited and got ready for the pain mgmt appt. A bit tenuous and Kathy anxious. We got there w/ her laying down in front seat. I was able to get a handicapped spot right next to the entrance. I checked in her and made arrangements for her to go right to a room but w/o being able to sit or hardly walk, getting back to the room nearly did in her in and then up on the table - was pretty bad. Doc was great and said the first epidural wasn't put in right place. Is getting her in tomorrow for another and changing the meds a bit ... and to where she should be able to get off the hard stuff. She ended up doing wheelchair out sitting sideways and worked much better. We got back just before 4p (I think), I made some food and we both had one of our beers. Talked to Joe for a bit in the evening and messaged Jo the news (Australia - she's moving and starting a new dog gig and then moving out completely). 

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