
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 80/91
Main activity: Thurs - Ellen's studio work
Notes: Long day at the studio w/ tough work! I woke ~5a, slept pretty well and Spatz had been sleeping at my feet for awhile. I rolled and hit him w/ my foot and he didn't budge! I went ahead and got up, made coffee (Miss T talking to me this morning for the first time), put a ribeye in the crock pot ... and Ellen picked me up out front @615a. We finished building the loft areas, got the plywood flooring mid morning and got that put in, moved a whole bunch up there and out of the way. I put lots of the screws in the new flooring sitting up near the ceiling - didn't take long before my back was aching! We also tore the kitchen vanity and big ceramic sink out as well as the open hanging shelves above. It's wide open now! We were both dragging and stiff ... drug lots out to the garbage dumpster. Decided to call it a day and I wilted into the car at 222p. Hot, dirty and aching ... took a hot shower and then made 2 eggs and toast w/ half my ribeye - think it was in too long tho, another one kind of dry thru parts. Exhausted. Chatted w/ Grace and Jo online for a bit and then Carlene popped on also - all three while watching more of S1E11 Drunvalo Melchezidek on Gaia. Bit of streaming later but was quite weary.

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