Swinging Ruby

Sorry for the Ruby blip again, but as a result of doing the attic thing we found a load, and I mean a load, of dresses from when Julia and Johanna were young. Marlane has washed them all and, after their sleepover last night, she put one of Johanna's old dresses on Ruby. So she's wearing the same dress her Mummy wore over 30 years ago. She was thrilled. It's a little big for her but she didn't care.
But when we saw here twisting the swing around and twirling around, as it unravelled, just had to get a picture of the dress billowing out.
She, and Eric, laughed and laughed at the photographs of their Mummy in a box of old photographs we had in the garage. Especially at the one where Johanna was wearing the same dress!
We had three wonderful children, and the grandchildren are just as much a joy.

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