Direct Gold

The cutting room is in Hatton Garden above a Gold Shop… I like the sign ‘Direct Gold bell’.  

At last a warm sunny day, everyone was giddy! The slow London train was packed and delayed so I got to the cutting room a bit late.  Good sit down with Nick, and Jamie and we went through all the notes.  It’s moving along.  

Lunch in the cutting room and then mid afternoon left via Direct Gold.  I put a couple of pieces of jewellery in to get re-gilded but thought they were not really the right place for my bracelet repair.  It’s a delicate hand made chain that the bloke in the shop said was ‘bent’ and not worth repairing. I said the wonkiness was part of its look but he wasn’t convinced.  

 Back to the office for a couple of calls before going to a reception in the building for South Asian Talent (that’s me! says Vikram) I knew quite a lot of people there, stayed an hour and then went to another party for Global Drama before catching another packed slow train home. 

Garden notes.  My Zephrine Drouin rose that flowered so well in May/June is now doing a second flowering. I thought it was a single flowered rose! 

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