
I am especially fired up about Grenfell, the horror, the injustice and the chances missed to prevent it happening.   And don’t start me on the politics of managed neglect and the abandonment of duty of care by government. 

I have just read the book ‘Show Me the Bodies’ by Peter Apps and today went up at lunchtime to see the National Theatre’s play at the Dorfman. Inevitably it is less detailed than the book but it is moving to see actors playing nine survivors telling their stories.   At the end of the play the cast lead the audience outside and they plant their Grenfell hearts in these stands and the actors (imperfectly photographed) walk down the middle and we all applaud each other. 

Suhur, who I took was knocked out by it. 

As I didn’t go anywhere than the South Bank, and the weather was glorious it was great to sit outside in the sun before hand and to be back home for a reasonably early supper. 

I had a late night zoom with NZ, Australia and Florida.  This project is going to kill me. 

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