More plants!

A one photo day, but a busy one. Before we went to Dornoch Community Market, where we bought some more plants from Corry Croft Nursery as well as a few other tasty bits and pieces from the various stalls, I started attacking the ivy which has been overhanging our fence. This is necessary preparatory work to getting some quotes for replacing that bit of fence. Later on, I managed to lever some bits of stump and root out of the ground, as well as painting the cotoneaster stump (having sawed off the tops of the stumps to reveal fresh wood) that would definitely be too big to shift without a chemical solution. That corner is looking quite tidy now. It's where we will eventually put a shed.

Meanwhile, Mr A filled the other raised bed, and we popped our new plants into those beds, although we do need more plants, to match the acreage of beds now. That issue of too many beds / too many plants is starting up again ;-) However, the problem lies elsewhere. We are presently out of topsoil, manure and compost, so we will need to find supplies of all of those things for the next raised beds to be made available.

After my work, I was incredibly dusty (I even put a covid mask on because my first attempts to attack the ivy had me coughing uncontrollably) and pretty exhausted. Yoga has helped with loosening me up, and I have really noticed an improvement over the 6 weeks or so that I've been going regularly to yoga.

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