
By ArcLight

T Shirt

This evening we went to a concert at Cafe 11, a local social enterprise which trains young people in hospitality skills. Funnily enough, we haven't been before, being dedicated Piper's fans, but probably we should do, both because it's a social enterprise and also because it has a slightly wider food range. They also put on occasional concerts in the evening, although it is a tiny venue, and tonight it was Martin Stephenson, who seems to live just outside Invergordon. As is apparently common, he had a great deal to say for himself. 

Anyway, this features the pretty cool T shirt worn by the guitarist who was playing with him, whose name was Chippy. He had nothing to say for himself! 

Earlier on I had a long swim at Shandwick with L - preparing for our Kessock swim exploits. We were going to swim in Inver, but it had white horses. Shandwick was merely bumpy and a bit windy (and there was a risk of being blown out to sea), but no white horses. Good enough for me. With the wind and the tides, it was a tough swim, so good training.

Unfortunately, as we headed back to the shallows, L must have stepped on a weever fish, and she got a nasty sting. The hot water treatment seemed to sort it out when she got home. However, it was pretty unpleasant for her driving back, but there was nothing I could do to help apart from websearch treatments for weever fish stings on my phone, so that she was prepared as soon as she got home. Luckily her family were on hand to give her a hand, and the pain subsided fairly quickly.

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