Hugh Miller's cottage

It seems that whenever we go to Cromarty - and today was the first time since July 2011 - it appears to be very quiet and quite a few things are closed. Today, there was no sign of the Cromarty Courthouse or the Hugh Miller cottage next door being open for visitors. And quite a few cafes are closed on Tuesdays, as a result of which the one where we had our lunch - Sutor Creek Cafe (highly recommended) - could have done twice as many covers if it had the space and the staff. Anyway, after taking the ferry across as foot passengers from Nigg Ferry (see extras for the ferry and the beach with Sutor Head), we had a pleasant wander around. Cromarty does have some truly lovely houses. The only thing I bought was a loaf of bread from the bakery, but we poked around in a few shops and galleries but without being tempted. Mr A then bought us lunch before we headed back to base in a squally shower.

I had intended to cycle down to Nigg Ferry, but I was very short of energy today. We shared a bit too much wine last night, and that has definitely depleted the energy stocks. So no garden work either, apart from a little bit of weeding here and there this afternoon.

No swimming either, although the pictures I've seen look fun.

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