Place: Greenville, SC 69/93
Main activity: Mon - lots around the house
Notes: Woke ~ 2-4a but then was able to sleep until 730a. Up and did stuff around the house, made coffee. Nice morning of mild temps but did warm up. Helped Kathy with a lot of little things thru the day, got the mail down the street, did some laundry, got the water distiller going. Later made a chicken meatloaf w/ sundried tomatoes and goat cheese - really good! And roasted a big pan of broccoli and cauliflower. Also made a 1/2 batch of chia seed pudding and some cinnamon whipped cream.  Another great big thunderstorm with heavy rain came thru in the evening but didn't last too long. We had some jazz music and lit a candle. End of evening, we both walked Lizzie. A good day!

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