Place: Greenville, SC 66/86
Main activity: Tues - lots more, around the house
Notes: Woke ~4a when I heard Kathy getting the heating pad. Wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep and caught Jo in Australia and the end of her day and we Zoomed for over 2 hrs. And then started in on coffee and things around the house. Got the printer on wireless, and some other little things. Was awhile before Kathy got up but then made her coffee & avocado toast. Did lots more little things thru-out the day and got the printer connected to her laptop, broke down lots of boxes in garage for recycling, and more. She had PT ~ 230-3p or a bit after. I started the food and we ate a bit after that. Shower then and some light dessert. Set up the inversion table (where it takes you upside down) and Kathy tried it and definitely seemed to help at the time. We walked a little w/ Lizzie and then settled in early for the night. I ended up working on some .csv's for awhile and was able to remember my "vlookup" on the first try - couldn't believe it!

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