
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 83/91
Main activity: Wed - mixed day, extreme heat
Notes: Decided at 8a to try to get a haircut and drove down to my place. The one who's been cutting my hair lately wasn't coming in till 2p tho so headed back, a little annoyed at a wasted trip. Had coffee and online, got some things for Susan done. A little for Carlene but mostly caught up. Decided to try the pool early but full clouds and so hot and sticky. This guy on the rooftop again taken from my stairway. Pulled up the temps after 1p, said 91 - feels like 109 with almost full clouds! Unbelievable. Did a couple mediations and rested and then later more work for Carlene and Susan. Meal of ground venison, arugula salad and beet/goat cheese. On with Wix for awhile then trying to get a year's charge reversed ... and actually succeeded. Shower ~5p, talked to Grace Berge some on FB (just saw her and added - met her at the orig AOE, one of the photographers). She has a place here but goes out west for the summer ... don't think I could utilize her place tho before she gets back ... Watching vids then until ~7p. Streamed shows.

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