English Lionesses

A fairly breezy day, some lovely warm sunny spells, and some heavy clouds passing over.  

Up early, and headed for a walk around a new part of town.  Mam and dad came by, and we headed out for the day.  Heavy traffic around Leeds slowed our plans, we only made it to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park.  More traffic delays on the way back, so a chip supper for tea.  A quiet night at the house, and spotted three foxes playing (maybe fighting), just metres away.  

Luck was not on our side today, but we finally made it through the traffic, but sadly a lot of the animals were neebin (snoozing) by the time we finally arrived.  I've always heard good reports about the wildlife park and their conservation programme, so was happy to visit.  My favourites were of course the tigers, and loved the Dirk's Dik-dik.  A lot on the sports news about the English women's football, I'm not a huge sports fan, I'd for rather watch these lionesses lounge about.  Taken at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Auckley.  

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