Filthy day, rain all the time, Storm Antonio I think.  

First thing I packed a bag of stuff to take to Rory, ‘at the edge of what I can carry’ I told Vikram.  I began to regret that while changing from the Northern Line to the Elizabeth Line at Tottenham Court Road.  I took up cutlery, china, towels and tea towels,  all from surplus.  He picked me up at Abbey Wood which I’d never been to before. The wood itself is on a hill in a park and it seems low rise and edge of town.  

His new flat is in Plumstead in a street and terraced house that resembles where he was brought up in Shepherds Bush.   Lots to do in the flat but he’s in and it is spacious and not in *too* bad a state!  

We had lunch in Woolwich, the Arsenal all gentrified, with pleasant pubs and restaurants.  Despite the rain it was busy and quite lively.   

After lunch we went to the IKEA in Greenwich and trailed around looking at things for certain gaps in his house.  This photo is us at some such living space with faux views of faux chic destinations .  

Eventually, after two hours we staggered through the tills and he dropped me at North Greenwich tube.  I got out with only a clothes brush and some Tupperware but we got him quite a lot.  

Home to a slightly shell shocked husband who’d had a surprise visit from his daughter who he thought was in Poland.   She’ll always surprise us. 

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