River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Courgettes and Blue Sky

A very chilly 11°C when we got up this morning but it soon warmed up to around 17°C.

MrD went off on his mind and did a tour of Anglesey, some parts of the island very busy and other a lot quieter.

I put some washing outside to dry and it did!

Gardening jobs: cut back all the raspberry canes which fruited in June and July to give space for next year’s to grow. Tied all the new canes up then gave them a thick mulch of grass mowings - the blackbirds are going to love scratching around in the mulch :-)

Watched bits of the Eisteddfod on iPlayer and on BBC S4C channel - weather was much improved today :-)

 Sending lots of love to all my family :-)) XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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