Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Canigou race

Today was the annual Canigou race, one of the major international trails, around 34 km and over 2,000 metres of ascent. The winner usually takes about three hours. The race took a different route today after a rockfall in the chimney leading up to the peak last year. There was one serious injury and several minor ones but it would have been much worse had the rocks been dislodged half an hour earlier when they were many people in that section. The runners still went up to the top this year then came down the same way avoiding the chimney. My sporting activity today involved a first-round match in the tennis tournament which I won 6-2, 1-0 followed by an abandonment. Unfortunately my opponent twisted his ankle or tore a tendon. He could put no weight on the ankle and was waiting for medical assistance to take him to the hospital.

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