Morning kip

New Steam Cleaner Day!
A milestone.. I must be Old :-)
And vets for Leo.

Too busy for full summary but I've been very giddy with my Steam Cleaner! I've never had one despite my mum telling me it is a Good Idea.  I'm very taken and keep finding little areas to blast.  It's not bringing out my youthful side, I guess that's the only problem :-D But maybe hygiene is the new Cool Thing.. maybe not!
Leo had a nurse check up and got a full bill of health, so that was good. 
Ben played badminton with the PAs and went to the woods, he was happy but a bit overdone.  
Mr KCNQ2Haiku is seeing Oppenheimer at the cinema tonight so I'm bath duty.  Must dash.  Happy Thursday!  
Oh yes and the photo was Leo flat out on the sofa after he got up this morning.. it really makes me laugh how he needs a kip first thing!

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