
By KCNQ2Haiku


Acorn Bank today.
Slightly more whingey walk but
we're mainly winning :-)

Good news is that I still have the black and white filter on my camera :-D
And this barn was just asking for it!
We did pick a lovely walk around Acorn Bank, didn't see any of the house, mill or gardens but we did a loop through the woods, taking in Newbiggin and Temple Sowerby and it worked really well.  Ben struggled a bit more than yesterday but still did pretty well overall.  We made flapjack yesterday and used it as Ben Fuel for the walk which kind of worked, he had a minor hypo but nothing major.  Leo was a nightmare when we first arrived, all excited and barking at the other people parking but once he'd settled in he was good as gold and even skirted around a field of cows without fuss, by the end.  We were quite late home for lunch and then tried to have a chilled out afternoon but Ben kept asking when we were going out walking again!  My hypothesis is that he liked the flapjack and was hoping for more of the same!  I did some weeding and we've played some monopoly so I think you're up to date!

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