Giant Crumpets

Went to B&M,
there are such delights to be found..
like Giant Crumpets!

Quick blip today, Mr KCNQ2Haiku was in the office and I was busy racing around.  I spoke to my Dad, walked the dog, did mountains of washing up, dealt with Dishwasher Engineer Man.. and.. went to B&M.  Much fun.  I was looking for a shuttlecock for Ben to play badminton tomorrow but sadly there was only a full badminton kit for £20, so I opted to browse instead!  I bought some Yorkshire Teabags, a racquet with a net, a bouncy ball and a packet of Giant Crumpets!  This is why you shouldn't shop in places like B&M!  I was so amused by my giant crumpets that I took their picture in the car boot next to my size 7 boots for size comparison and then sent it to various family members.. I keep myself amused.  
Ben has been to the woods with his PAs and to B&Q then his grandma came for a play whilst he bounced on the trampoline.  I have done some ironing and cleaned the washing machine filter and yes, more washing up.  The news on the dishwasher was bad.  It is dead.  Poor sad dishwasher.  New one is ordered and should be here Friday.  Thank goodness.  That's about it.

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