Dornoch Firth Bridge

The Dornoch Firth Bridge was the final link in the chain of bridges shortening the route north on the A9 from Inverness to the far north. It opened in 1991, after the Cromarty Firth bridge and then the Kessock Bridge. Until the opening of the bridge, the way north looped up via Bonar Bridge (although in practice, most people would have come over the Struie, in order to shorten the route from Alness.

I've taken a few pictures of it with the long lens from Tain Links before, but none have come out as well as this one did, so it gets blipped today.

This was the best of the day in terms of weather. It was grey and dark when we woke up (after the best sleep I've had in ages and ages), and then sunny until lunchtime. It settled in to rain, periodically quite hard, from about 3pm, and I was forced to take the car up to TRACC when I went to yoga. I wasn't walking all the way up there in the rain.

From time to time, people walking up the street peer over the garden wall and remark upon the changes in the garden. That happened again today, with the lady in question telling me that she nearly bought this house....but it needs its roof replacing. Whoops. Not immediately...that's not happening. The other day, it was a man who used to do the garden for Mrs Ross. All comment upon how nice we've made the front garden. I get a little glow from that.

Much to my surprise, our brown bins were emptied today by the Council. However, the road in front of the house is still essentially closed because of the works along the street at the top. I think it's putting fibre optic cable in to the town. I could get used to not having cars, buses, bin lorries and whatever passing by in front of the house (although to be fair, the road is pretty quiet, especially in the evening).

No swimming today, but a walk (see blip) and then yoga. And quite a lot of meetings.

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