
By ArcLight

Busy Fendom

The traffic was busy on the road across the Fendom as we came back from lunch at the Inver Inn (a nice treat from Mr A, thanks). Some of it was on four legs, not four wheels. And some of the honking of horns was prodigious. The quadrupeds definitely had something to say for themselves.

I took the day off, and we headed down to Highland Lilliums for some plants and pots. It was a successful shop. However, when we got in the car first thing, the tyre pressure warning went off, so we had to stop for air at the Gleaner garage. It came on again when we left Highland Lilliums, with a car full of stuff, so we decided to head for Dingwall Tyres (previously a  destination on a day off....this is getting tedious). They couldn't sort us out today as they were short staffed, but they did put some air in the tyre. We stopped at Fraser Brothers on the way back for manure and compost, and then headed to the Inver Inn shortly after getting home. On each occasion, there was no tyre pressure warning. Strange.

Although A had agreed to drive to Loch Migdale for a planned evening swim, the rain came on quite hard just before we were due to go, so I'm afraid we were wimps and cancelled. By that stage, I was dripping wet anyway, as Mr A and I had wrestled the big camellia we brought from Edinburgh out of its previous pot into a large new pot, and carried it round to the front. Anyway, the rain was good for the garden, although I had already taken a few watering cans with feed for the plants out there already. I expect to see sudden growth tomorrow!

Aside from the nonsense with the tyre pressure warning, it's been a pleasant and not too hectic day off.

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