Star Wars the 12,000th sequel ..
set in the planet kingdom of DDLC fine garden and snack area ... So in English ,Paula's back garden and she gave us all lunch ;)
Another smashing day ... DDLC invited us to her house as Alice and Charlie were on an inset day and the paddling pool was up and ready and waiting for my grandson to throw the contents of Charlie's toy bucket into it ... Little demon .
I had an altercation this evening on the greenway which is predominantly a large FOOTPATH but cyclists use it and the sign clearly states CYCLISTS GIVE WAY ... Well this creep cycled up behind us no warning and almost ran he dogs over he was going at a hell of a pace too !! I can't go into details as my behaviour was DISGRACEFUL however I don't think he will be driving into any dogs or dog walkers any time soon.oh and I did NOT hit him ....
Ps it's Jake in the Vader mask x
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