Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Really hard blip !!

I lay on the trampoline and this pair made me 1.feel sick and 2.nearly pee myself !!!!
It's not in focus or anything but I don't care .. I just love my Zoe and Grandson Jake smiling and laughing ... At times it was quite sinister ....
So much pottering about today my feet hurt... All the faffy jobs done and dusted ... Marvellous !

Lucy came on a dog walk with me this evening and she told me that 'if you put your hand in a vampires mouth Mum,they suck your blood'
Everyday is a school day with my kid ...sigh..

Ohhhhh by the way I have purchased a new cook book ... Low fat cooking for idiots ... ( that's not the real title ) x

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