I love you Aunty Eve....
Can I have another bite of the chocolate flake now.... cupboard love.
So today I made millions of cakes...... tested a couple... in the name of research...
Checked the forecast for Wednesday and it's getting worse and worse and we are STILL GOING !! There is NO point worrying,we will have fun,it's the people you are with that make it,Tit's McGee has cherry brandy and we also have two litres of pimms.. we will be fine :D and a bit pissed too.
Looked after Jakey boy this afternoon,Lucy was at a Jubilee street party.... Mr W went to play golf with DDLC's hub the super Fisherman....
Just sat watching the Queen concert thingy on TV and Lenny Henry is boring,he is STILL using the same lines he used 20 odd years ago,also our Monarch has a miserable face...... over and out.
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