A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Well if you thought my jigsaw yesterday was a boring blip yesterday this just about takes the biscuit - or plum.

It was 4.30 and I hadn’t taken a single picture. Wet and miserable outside and I wasn’t really inspired to look further for anything. I spotted my newly washed fruit and decided to go with that!
When we shop on a Monday, after singing in Bingley, it is mainly for fruit. What we buy varies a bit but Chris likes his plums (oops maybe I should just say he likes plums!) and I particularly like the donut peaches at the moment. I was going to get one to eat when I decided to blip them but as usual they are a bit firm. Waiting a day or two they will probably be over ripe but I like them like that despite the   dripping down my chin! As well as these we have bought a bunch of bananas and a bag of small oranges. We have some strawberries left from the weekend in the fridge which will be finished tonight.

Nothing will last long and the problem with Monday shopping is we’ll be out of fruit again by the weekend!
No choir tonight which is fine as I won’t be at church for the next few weekends nor at Monday singing next week as we will have a special visitor. The following two sessions are cancelled as our singing leader is getting married - for the third time (his fiancé too!) Someone was celebrating 52 years of marriage this morning at our session and he said they were working on it, accumulatively and jokingly called the wedding ‘I do - the trilogy’! 
I hope it goes really well for them both.

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