Best Served Cold And To A Drum Beat

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

My enthusiasm for Kainga Ora has been tempered of late by the arrival of a 2nd project manager. 

I mean. Really. TWO of them? 

If it were two Shenées or two Ellies that would be different. But it's two MEN. Bah.

The first one is fine. I think he's about 15 years old and he's fine. The second one has only been here a month and has decided that he needs to justify his existence by MANAGING.

He raised issues with MY work. Which was a mistake. I explained what I do to him and after ten minutes he asked me to stop because he hadn't understood any of it. He advised I make my work more "visible" by raising more JIRA tickets.

I reminded him that at the last sprint review the scrum master said I'd completed the most JIRA tickets and most points out of the whole team.

He didn't care for that.

He also asked me why I'd de-scoped something. I didn't, I explained. It was de-scoped at our last meeting. That he was at. Didn't he remember?

He told me to raise a JIRA ticket for him to confirm the de-scoping. 


But ANYWAY, today people in the team were so nice to me! Four different people told me how much they appreciate what I'm doing and how much value it provides. 

I steered one of them over to Second Project Manager's desk and kept the conversation going with her. Loudly. I wasn't SURE he was paying attention though, so I played the bongos on the top of the storage unit next to his desk. 

ME: Why THANKS Suzanne (bop bop ska boo bop)
SUZANNE: Yes, your work has really helped me understand how all this fits together!
ME: (bop bop ba-bip bop bop) Really?! YOU DON'T SAY! (bop bop)

This second guy can GTF. I will work around him and make him look like an idiot. And I'll enjoy doing it while I continue to enjoy my work. 

Ba-bop skoo-bop mmmbop.


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