Handle Me With Care

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I spent nearly all of today in meetings. I don't mind this too much but sometimes it does feel like I am going backwards, with requirements mounting up and no time to make sense of them.

"Jesus Christ, all Kāinga Ora ever seem to do is hold meetings," says Caro. 

And today it was hard to disagree with her. 

In other news, today's blip is a picture of the crate in which Punky arrived in New Zealand (Jasper's is stacked on top). I was going to get rid of them (the crates, not the cats) but Caro wanted to hold on to them just in case we move from one end of the country to the other one day. 

It amuses me that Punky has found the crates in the garage and now really likes hanging out in there. Caro made him a nice little bed and he often spends hours in there. Caro calls it his "apartment". 

I'm glad he's forgotten the trauma associated with these crates and now finds them a source of comfort. 

And if today's title has put The Travelling Wilburys in your head then I am entirely unapologetic. 


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