Wedi'i bweru gan yr haul

Wedi'i bweru gan yr haul ~ Powered by the sun

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
― Viktor E Frankl

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Pan roedden ni'n siarad â'r dyn o'r cwmni ynni solar, gwnaethon ni ddysgu pa mor ynni roedden ni'n defnyddio. Roedd yn llawer. Gwnaeth e ei gyngor i ni sut i leihau ein defnydd. Felly heddiw roedden ni'n edrych ar ffyrdd i gynhesu'r tŷ tra ddefnyddio llai o ynni. Rydyn ni'n mynd i brynu dyfeisiau mwy ynni-effeithlon...

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When we were talking to the man from the solar energy company, we learned how much energy we were using. It was a lot. He gave us his advice on how to reduce our consumption. So today we were looking at ways to heat the house while using less energy. We are going to buy more energy efficient devices...

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Blodyn yr haul
Description (English): Sunflower

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