Achub bywydau ymhlith y cerrig beddau
Achub bywydau ymhlith y cerrig beddau ~ Saving lives among the gravestones
“There have been times / when, after long on my knees / in a cold chancel, a stone has rolled / from my mind, & I have looked / in & seen the old questions lie / folded & in a place / by themselves, like the piled / graveclothes of love's risen body.”
― R. S. Thomas
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Roedden ni'n gofalu am Sam eto heddiw. Aethon ni allan i Eglwys Gadeiriol Llandaf i grwydro trwy'r fynwent yna. Mae Sam yn mwynhau'r teithiau cerdded hyn, mae'n fforiwr, wedi'i swyno gan bopeth. Heddiw gwnaeth e dreulio llawer o amser yn achub pryfed lludw rhag boddi yn y ffiolau ar y beddau. Roedd e'n ganddo'r fath bryder am y creaduriaid bychain. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio ei fod e'n gallu cadw'r teimlad hwn pan mae'n tyfu i fyny.
Mae'r fynwent yn gordyfu - mewn lleoedd - gyda mieri, ac weithiau mae'r cerrig beddau yn diflannu danynt. Mae'r mwyar duon eu hunain yn flasus. Gallech chi fwydo lawer o bobl yna.
Ar ddiwedd y prynhawn aethon ni i Jaspers i gael cacen a phaned cyn seiclo adre. Rydyn ni gofalu am Sam dwywaith yr wythnos nesa. Yn gobeithio byddan ni'n ymweld â rhai mwy o leoedd diddorol.
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We looked after Sam again today. We went out to Llandaff Cathedral to wander through that cemetery. Sam enjoys these walks, he is an explorer, fascinated by everything. Today he spent a lot of time saving woodlice from drowning in the vases on the graves. He had such concern for the little creatures. We hope he can keep this feeling when he grows up.
The cemetery is overgrown - in places - with brambles, and sometimes the gravestones disappear under them. The blackberries themselves are delicious. You could feed a lot of people there.
At the end of the afternoon we went to Jaspers for a cake and a cuppa before cycling home. We look after Sam twice next week. Hopefully we will visit some more interesting places.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Yn y fynwent
Description (English): In the graveyard
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