Lots of exercise today

My human is on a bit of a mission to get fit. My human is always on a bit of a mission to get fit!!! She's signed up to Edinburgh Leisure's Summer Fitness 2023 plan'. …..........6 weeks of fitness classes/swims/gyms all for £69. In five days she's done two swims and 6 fitness classes, which if she'd been paying for them on a PAYG basis she would have spent more than £66, so she reckons she's had her moneys worth now, so can relax a bit. 

She says that tomorrow, she'll have a day off and we will go out for the day. #watchthisspace

However, today has been a bit full on. I went to 'Morningside Park' for my walk this morning............... and spotted two pesky squirrels that needed chasing but I couldn't catch them. Booooohoooo.

After breakfast Ann went to a 'Konga' class, followed by a 'Zumba' class and when she came home she had to lie down for an hour!!!!
This afternoon I went up Blackford Hill and through the Hermitage for my walk and then Ann had to lie down for another half an hour before she went off to a 'Body Balance' class late afternoon.

It's weird! All Ann's friends think she's super fit because she walks me for miles and miles and miles. But..................... walking doesn't actually use up much energy. Since lockdown, Ann's strength, flexibility and balance have all deminished beyond repair!!! In the 'Body Balance' class this evening, Ann was definitely the worst pupil there. The 'Body Balance' class was a mixture of yoga, pilates and tai chi, and involved doing such things as standing on one leg. Ann can't stand on one leg. And now she's in panic mode because lack of balance is one of the early signs of dementia?!

Anyway, we've got a whole day tomorrow to ourselves so Ann has said we'll go off on a little adventure together. Yay!!

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